NICARIA DRY RED 2002 12,5% vol 750ml


A natural traditional dry red wine from Fokiano 80% and Kountoura % varieties from the Ikarian land.

Dark red colour with orange highlights. Thick with long lasting legs.

Complex nose with earthly and autumn-like aromas and traces of carob honey.

Multi-layered mouth with intense flavours of tannery, blood, wet soil, pepper and plum jam.

Food Pairing: Perfectly paired with rare or medium rare red meats, Giouvetsi with goat meat, stewed rooster with pasta, stewed rabbit and pork Gyulbasi. Can also be combined with matured cold cuts and spicy cheese platter. Needs ventilation for an hour. Consumed in room temperature; served directly from the bottle.

26 in stock

SKU: AG-3031766 Category:
Weight 1,3 kg

Wine: Natural Red dry.

Varietal composition: Fokiano 80%, Kountoura 20%.

Vineyard: Ikaria , Raches , Profitis Ilias 1,5ha, age of grapevines 50 and 10 years old, yield 25 hl/ha, organic cultivation, altitude 600 m. Sandy clay soil from decomposed granite rock with low pH and high concentration in minerals and micronutrients.

Vinification: Pressed traditionaly in the stone press, maceration throughout all the fermentation for 34 days. Wild indigenous yeast fermentation; no mechanical intervention and filtering; bottled unfiltered & unfined; zero addition of sulfites.

Aging: Best consumed now.

Production: 2800 bottles.